console.log('1'); (function() { window.SPL = (function() { function SPL() {} SPL.api_url = document.currentScript.src.split('js/')[0]; // alert("jhhh"); // console.log('channel',; // console.log('shop_name',SPL.shop_name); console.log(SPL.api_url); SPL.notifyDetails = ''; SPL.handle = 0; SPL.var_id = 0; SPL.request_arr = Array(); SPL.minimum_quantity_status = true; SPL.pay_what_you_want = false; SPL.first_submit = true; SPL.wk_routes_insurance_price = 0; SPL.wk_insurance_selected = 0; SPL.main_checkout_condition = true; SPL.postcodewise_and_storepickup_active = 0; SPL.showLoader = function () { SPL.$('body').find('.mp-loader').show(); }; if (typeof wk_label_checkout_btn === "undefined") wk_label_checkout_btn = "Checkout"; SPL.removeLoader = function () { SPL.$('body').find('.mp-loader').hide(); } // woocommerce attribute extra information SPL.woocommerceAttributeExtraInfo = function () { if (SPL.wk_main_id_product != "" && SPL.wk_main_id_product != undefined) return SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + 'index.php?p=woocom_attr_extra_info', type: "GET", async: true, cache: false, jsonpCallback: 'woocommerceAttributeExtraInfo', contentType: "application/json", dataType: "jsonp", data: { main_id_product: SPL.wk_main_id_product, }, success: function (response_data) { if (response_data.woocom_product_extra_info != undefined) { var data = response_data.woocom_product_extra_info; if (SPL.$(".wk_woocommerce_extra_info").length > 0){ if ((typeof response_data.woocom_product_extra_info != "undefined" && response_data.woocom_product_extra_info != "")) { var woocommerce_extra_info = '' + '
' + ''; if (response_data.woocom_product_extra_info != '' && response_data.woocom_product_extra_info != null){ woocommerce_extra_info += '' + 'Woocommerce Attribute Extra Info' + '
' SPL.$.each(response_data.woocom_product_extra_info , function(key , value){ extra_info = JSON.parse(value.woocommerce_extra_attribure_info) woocommerce_extra_info += '' + + ' : ' + extra_info.options + '
'; }); } woocommerce_extra_info += '
'; woocommerce_extra_info += '
'; SPL.$(".wk_woocommerce_extra_info").html(woocommerce_extra_info); } } } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(xhr.status); console.log(thrownError); } }); }; SPL.getAllConfigDetails = function () { if (SPL.wk_main_id_product != "" && SPL.wk_main_id_product != undefined) return SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + 'index.php?p=ajax_seller_profile_tag', type: "GET", async: true, cache: false, jsonpCallback: 'getAllConfigDetails', contentType: "application/json", dataType: "jsonp", data: { shop: SPL.shop_name, main_id_product: SPL.wk_main_id_product, show_seller_info: SPL.show_seller_info, request_arr: SPL.request_arr, storedIds: SPL.storedIds, main_id_variant: SPL.main_id_variant, selected_tag: SPL.wk_selected_tag }, success: function (response_data) { if (response_data != "shop_not_found") { if (response_data.sellerProduct != undefined && response_data.sellerProduct == true) { SPL.$('.contact_btn').show(); } /* sellProfileCallback callback task start */ if (SPL.$.inArray('sellProfileCallback', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { var data = response_data.sellProfileCallback; =; SPL.store_name = data.sp_store_name; SPL.store_name_handle = data.store_name_handle; SPL.wk_url_type = data.url_type; if ( == 1) { /***** valerie customization start ******/ if (SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail").length) { SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail").css('display', 'block'); // var html_con = 'Sold BY '+SPL.store_name+''; var html_con = wk_seller_rating = ''; var wk_advance_review = []; var sold_by = data.labels['Sold By']; if (data.has_sp_page > 0) { if (data.seller_profile_type == '1') html_con = sold_by + ' ' + SPL.store_name + ''; else { if (data.with_collection == '1') html_con = sold_by + ' ' + SPL.store_name + ''; else html_con = sold_by + ' ' + SPL.store_name + ''; } } else if( == 2){ html_con = sold_by + ' ' + SPL.store_name + ''; }else{ html_con = sold_by + ' ' + SPL.store_name + ''; } // if (SPL.$(".wk-rateit").length) { // var review = ( != "" && != null) ? parseInt( : 0; // var total_review = (data.total_review != "" && data.total_review != null) ? parseInt(data.total_review) : 0; // wk_seller_rating = "
"; // SPL.$(".wk-rateit").html(wk_seller_rating) // } // if (data.seller_vacation_message != undefined && data.seller_vacation_message != "") { // html_con += "

" + data.seller_vacation_message + "

"; // } // SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail").html(html_con) // SPL.$(".wk-vendor-rateit:eq(0)").after("(" + total_review + ")") var rev_data = data; if (SPL.$(".wk-rateit").length) { setTimeout(function () { if (typeof $ == "function") { var review = ( != "" && != null) ? parseFloat( : 0; var total_review = (rev_data.total_review != "" && rev_data.total_review != null) ? parseFloat(rev_data.total_review) : 0; if(rev_data.advance_feedback_option_status == 1){ SPL.$.each(rev_data.feedback_options , function(key , value){ wk_advance_review[value.handle] = "
"; SPL.$(".wk-rateit").append(wk_advance_review[value.handle]); if(rev_data.count_ar.length > 0) SPL.$(".wk-vendor-rateit:eq("+key+")").after("(" + rev_data.count_ar[value.handle] + ")"); $('#rate_'+value.handle).rateYo({ 'starWidth': '15px', 'rating': rev_data.advance_review[value.handle], 'spacing': '5px', 'multiColor': { 'startColor': "#" + rev_data.start_color, 'endColor': "#" + rev_data.end_color }, 'readOnly': true, 'numStars': 5 }); }); wk_advance_review['overall_avg'] = "
Overall Average Rating
"; SPL.$(".wk-rateit").append(wk_advance_review['overall_avg']); $('#rate_overall_avg').rateYo({ 'starWidth': '15px', 'rating': rev_data.advance_review_overall_avg, 'spacing': '5px', 'multiColor': { 'startColor': "#" + rev_data.start_color, 'endColor': "#" + rev_data.end_color }, 'readOnly': true, 'numStars': 5 }); } else{ wk_seller_rating = "
"; SPL.$(".wk-rateit").html(wk_seller_rating); SPL.$(".wk-vendor-rateit:eq(0)").after("(" + total_review + ")"); $('#rate').rateYo({ 'starWidth': '15px', 'rating': review, 'spacing': '5px', 'multiColor': { 'startColor': "#" + rev_data.start_color, 'endColor': "#" + rev_data.end_color }, 'readOnly': true, 'numStars': 5 }); } } }, 500); } if (data.seller_vacation_message != undefined && data.seller_vacation_message != "") { html_con += "

" + data.seller_vacation_message + "

"; } SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail").html(html_con); } if (SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_n_logo").length > 0) { if (data.has_sp_page > 0) SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_n_logo").html('' + SPL.store_name + ''); else SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_n_logo").html('' + SPL.store_name + ''); } if (SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").length > 0 && data.logo) { SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").html(''); if (data.has_sp_page > 0) { if (data.seller_profile_type == '1') SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").html('' + SPL.store_name + ''); else { if (data.with_collection == '1') SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").html('' + SPL.store_name + ''); else SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").html('' + SPL.store_name + ''); } } else if( == 2){ // html_con = sold_by + ' ' + SPL.store_name + ''; SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").html('' + SPL.store_name + ''); }else{ SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").html('' + SPL.store_name + ''); } } /** seller store logo block */ if (SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").length > 0 && data.shop_logo) { SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").html(''); if (data.has_sp_page > 0) { if (data.seller_profile_type == '1') SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").append('' + SPL.store_name + ''); else { if (data.with_collection == '1') SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").append('' + SPL.store_name + ''); else SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").append('' + SPL.store_name + ''); } } else SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").append('' + SPL.store_name + ''); } } /***** valerie customization end *******/ // Show Seller address and contact info on product view page if (SPL.$(".wk_seller_info").length && SPL.show_seller_info == 1) { if ((typeof data != "undefined" && data != "")) { var seller_info_html = '' + '
' + '
'; if (data.store_address != '' && data.store_address != null) seller_info_html += '' + data.store_address + '
'; if ( != '' && != null) seller_info_html += '' + + '
'; if (data.state != '' && data.state != null) seller_info_html += '' + data.state + ', '; if ( != '' && != null) seller_info_html += '' + + '
'; if ( != '' && != null) seller_info_html += 'Phone : ' + + ''; if ( != '' && != null) seller_info_html += '

' + + '

'; seller_info_html += '
'; seller_info_html += '
'; SPL.$(".wk_seller_info").html(seller_info_html); } } } /* sellProfileCallback callback task ends */ if (SPL.$.inArray('hasSellerVacationDiv', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { if (response_data.hasSellerVacationDiv) { data = response_data.hasSellerVacationDiv; if (data.seller_vacation_message != undefined && data.seller_vacation_message != "") SPL.$("#wk_seller_vacation_div").html("

" + data.seller_vacation_message + "

"); } } /* CutomeFieldDetailCallback callback task starts */ if (SPL.$.inArray('CutomeFieldDetailCallback', SPL.request_arr) != -1 && response_data.CutomeFieldDetailCallback != false) { data = response_data.CutomeFieldDetailCallback if (typeof (data) === 'undefined' || data == '') { } else { if (data.prod_field_value) { SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_detail").css('display', 'block'); SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_file_type").css('display', 'block'); SPL.$.each(data.prod_field_value, function (arrayID, dataDetail) { SPL.appendProductCustomField(dataDetail); }); } if (data.seller_field_value) { SPL.$(".wk_seller_custom_detail").css('display', 'block'); SPL.$.each(data.seller_field_value, function (arrayID, dataDetail) { SPL.appendSellerCustomField(dataDetail); }); } } } /* CutomeFieldDetailCallback callback task ends */ /* getreviews callback task starts */ if (SPL.$.inArray('getreviews', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { data = response_data.getreviews; if (data != 'false' && data !== "product_not_found") { if (SPL.$('#seller-policy-tab').length > 0) SPL.$('body').find('#seller-policy-tab').html(data); if (SPL.$('.seller-policy-tab').length > 0) SPL.$('body').find('.seller-policy-tab').html(data); } } /* getreviews callback task ends */ /* getdeliveryday callback task starts */ if (SPL.$.inArray('getdeliveryday', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { data = response_data.getdeliveryday; if (data != 'false' && data !== "product_not_found") SPL.$('body').find('#wk_delivery_day_div').html(data); } /* getdeliveryday callback task ends */ SPL.$("body").on("change","#wk_store_pickup_locations",function(){ if(SPL.$(this).find("option:selected").data('use_location_for_product') == 1 && SPL.$(this).find("option:selected").data('inventory_policy') == 0 && SPL.$(this).find("option:selected").data('location_wise_track_inventory') == 1 ){ console.log(SPL.$(this).find("option:selected").data('max-qty')); if(SPL.$(this).find("option:selected").data('max-qty') < 1 ){ console.log(SPL.$(this).find("option:selected").data('max-qty')) SPL.$("#wk_pickup_location_error").html("This location does not have quantity"); SPL.$(".store-pickup-add-disabled").css({"pointer-events": "none", "opacity": "0.5"}); }else{ SPL.$("#wk_pickup_location_error").html(""); SPL.$(".store-pickup-add-disabled").css({"pointer-events": "all", "opacity": "1"}); } } }) SPL.$("body").on('change', '.store_pickup_location_class', function () { location.reload(); }); SPL.$("body").on("click","input[name='properties[store_pickup]']",function(){ if(SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").find("option:selected").data('use_location_for_product') == 1 && SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").find("option:selected").data('inventory_policy') == 0 && SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").find("option:selected").data('location_wise_track_inventory') == 1 ){ if ((SPL.$(this).val() == "YES") && SPL.$('#wk_store_pickup_locations').find("option").data('max-qty') < 1 ) { SPL.$("#wk_pickup_location_error").text("This location does not have quantity"); SPL.$(".store-pickup-add-disabled").css({"pointer-events": "none", "opacity": "0.5"}); }else{ SPL.$("#wk_pickup_location_error").text(""); SPL.$(".store-pickup-add-disabled").css({"pointer-events": "all", "opacity": "1"}); } } }) /* hasStorePickupDiv key for store pickup starts */ if (SPL.$.inArray('hasStorePickupDiv', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { data = response_data.hasStorePickupDiv; // console.log("hasStorePickupDiv hasStorePickupDiv :: "); // console.log(data); // var use_location_for_product = data.use_location_for_product; var min_distance = 0; if (data != undefined && data != false) { var label_details = null; if (data.label_details != null) label_details = SPL.$.parseJSON(data.label_details); var pickup_locations = null; var display_location_name = data.display_location_name; if (data.pickup_locations != undefined && data.pickup_locations != false) pickup_locations = data.pickup_locations; SPL.hyperlocal_enable = data.hyperlocal_enable; SPL.show_multiple_shipping_on_product_page = data.show_multiple_shipping_on_product_page; SPL.datepicker_storepickup = data.datepicker_storepickup; var pickup_locations_html = ''; var no_location = false; var count_loc = 0; SPL.country_code = false; if(!pickup_locations) { console.log("Locations are disable please check locatios"); return false; } if (pickup_locations) { pickup_locations_html += "
"; pickup_locations_html += ""; pickup_locations_html += ""; if (display_location_name == 1) pickup_locations_html += ""; } var html = ""; if (data.mode == 0 && data.config_for == 1) { /* Both store pickup and delivery, for all products */ html += "

" + ((label_details == null) ? "Want Product As" : label_details['Want Product As']) + "

"; html += "
"; html += pickup_locations_html; } else if (data.mode == 0 && data.config_for == 2) { /* Both store pickup and delivery, for specifc products */ if (data.store_pickup_for == 0) { /* Both store pickup and delivery */ html += "

" + ((label_details == null) ? "Want Product As" : label_details['Want Product As']) + "

"; html += "
"; html += pickup_locations_html; } if (data.store_pickup_for == 1) { /* only store pickup */ html += " " + ((label_details == null) ? "Store Pickup" : label_details['Store Pickup']) + "

Note : " + ((label_details == null) ? "Only Store Pickup Available For This Product" : label_details['Only Store Pickup Available For This Product']) + "

"; html += pickup_locations_html; } if (data.store_pickup_for == 2) { /* only delivery */ html += "" + ((label_details == null) ? "Delivery" : label_details['Delivery']) + "

Note : " + ((label_details == null) ? "Only Delivery Available For This Product" : label_details['Only Delivery Available For This Product']) + "

"; if (data.show_multiple_shipping_on_product_page === true) { if (data.hyperlocal_enable === true) { SPL.setCustomerData(); } else { SPL.country_code = true; SPL.getAllCountry(); } } } } else { html += " " + ((label_details == null) ? "Store Pickup" : label_details['Store Pickup']) + "

Note : " + ((label_details == null) ? "Only Store Pickup Available For This Product" : label_details['Only Store Pickup Available For This Product']) + "

"; html += pickup_locations_html; } if (typeof data.check_location_count == 'undefined' || data.check_location_count == false) { if (count_loc < 1 && data.multilocation_enabled) { html += ""; } SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").html(html); SPL.appendStorePickupAddresses(display_location_name); if(SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").find("option").data('max-qty') < 1){ if(SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").find("option:selected").data('use_location_for_product') == 1 && SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").find("option:selected").data('inventory_policy') == 0 && SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").find("option:selected").data('location_wise_track_inventory') == 1 ){ if (SPL.$('input[name="properties[store_pickup]"]:checked').val() == "YES") { SPL.$("#wk_pickup_location_error").text("This location does not have quantity"); SPL.$(".store-pickup-add-disabled").css({"pointer-events": "none", "opacity": "0.5"}); return false; } } } } } } /* hasStorePickupDiv key for store pickup ends*/ if (SPL.$.inArray('geSellerDescription', SPL.request_arr) != -1 && response_data.geSellerDescription != "") { SPL.$("#wk_seller_description").html(response_data.geSellerDescription); SPL.$(".wk_seller_description").html(response_data.geSellerDescription); } if (SPL.$.inArray('getSellerShippingZones', SPL.request_arr) != -1 && response_data.getSellerShippingZones != "") { if (SPL.$(".wk_shipping_zones").length > 0) SPL.$(".wk_shipping_zones").html(response_data.getSellerShippingZones); else if (SPL.$("#wk_shipping_zones").length > 0) SPL.$("#wk_shipping_zones").html(response_data.getSellerShippingZones); } if (SPL.$.inArray('getSellerAvailablity', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { var wk_customer_location = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('wk_customer_location')); if (response_data.getSellerAvailablity == false) { if (wk_customer_location && wk_customer_location.length != 0) { SPL.$('#wk_product_available').html('

' + seller_not_deliver + '

'); } else { SPL.$('#wk_product_available').html('

' + delv_location_req + '

'); } } else if (SPL.addToCartDisabled == false) { SPL.addToCartDisabled = true; SPL.$(".wk_hyperlocal").attr('disabled', false); } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getMinPurchaseQuantity', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { if (response_data.getMinPurchaseQuantity) { if (response_data.getMinPurchaseQuantity['value'] == false || typeof (response_data.getMinPurchaseQuantity['value'][0]) == "undefined") { } else { var min_purchase_quantity = response_data.getMinPurchaseQuantity['value'][0].min_purchase_quantity; let moq_type = response_data.getMinPurchaseQuantity['moq_type']; //if (moq_type == 1) { if (min_purchase_quantity && SPL.$('#Quantity-product-template').length) { if (min_purchase_quantity == 0) min_purchase_quantity = 1; SPL.$("#Quantity-product-template").attr('min', min_purchase_quantity).attr('value', min_purchase_quantity); } else if (min_purchase_quantity && SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector").length) { if (min_purchase_quantity == 0) min_purchase_quantity = 1; SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector").attr('min', min_purchase_quantity).attr('value', min_purchase_quantity); } // } if (SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector_value").length && typeof (min_purchase_quantity) != "undefined" && min_purchase_quantity > 1 && SPL.$(".min_purchase_qty_div").length == 0) { SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector_value").show(); SPL.$(".qty_value").html(min_purchase_quantity); } } } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getSellerBadge', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { if (response_data.getSellerBadge) { if (SPL.$('#wk_seller_badge_div').length) SPL.$('#wk_seller_badge_div').html(response_data.getSellerBadge); else if (SPL.$('.wk_seller_badge_div').length) SPL.$('.wk_seller_badge_div').html(response_data.getSellerBadge); } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getSellerMinPurchaseAmount', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { if (!SPL.$.isEmptyObject(response_data.getSellerMinPurchaseAmount)) { let mao_label = wk_label_minimum_purchase_amount + " " + response_data.getSellerMinPurchaseAmount.currency_details.currency_symbol + "" + response_data.getSellerMinPurchaseAmount.minimum_purchase_value; SPL.$("#wk_product_mpa").append("" + mao_label + ""); } } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getPayWhatYouWantStatus', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { SPL.$(".wk_choice_pay").removeAttr("disabled"); pay_what_you_want_data = response_data.getPayWhatYouWantStatus; if (pay_what_you_want_data.getPayWhatYouWantStatus == 1) { SPL.original_price = 0; var variant_wise_price = meta['product']['variants'].map(function (value) { var id = []; id[value['id']] = value['price']; return id; }); SPL.updateSPLVariantId(); SPL.$(".wk_choice_pay").on('click', function (e) { var original_price = 0; if (SPL.main_id_variant == 0 || typeof(SPL.main_id_variant) == 'undefined') { SPL.main_id_variant = Object.keys(variant_wise_price[0]); } original_price = variant_wise_price.filter(function (value) { if (Object.keys(value) == parseInt(SPL.main_id_variant)) { SPL.original_price = Object.values(value); } }) if(pay_what_you_want_data.pay_what_u_want_type_config == 2 && pay_what_you_want_data.minimum_price_percentage) SPL.original_price = ((SPL.original_price / 100) * pay_what_you_want_data.minimum_price_percentage)/100; else SPL.original_price = SPL.original_price / 100; // var qty = SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector").val(); var customer_pay_amount = SPL.$("#wk_custom_price").val(); if (!customer_pay_amount || customer_pay_amount < SPL.original_price || customer_pay_amount == "") { e.preventDefault(); SPL.$(".wk_pay_what_you_want").css("visibility", "hidden"); SPL.$(".wk_error_message").css("visibility", "visible"); SPL.$(".wk_choice_pay").attr("disabled", "disabled"); SPL.$("#wk_var_price").text(SPL.original_price); setTimeout(function () { SPL.$(".wk_pay_what_you_want").css("visibility", "visible"); SPL.$(".wk_error_message").css("visibility", "hidden"); SPL.$(".wk_choice_pay").removeAttr("disabled"); }, 2000); } SPL.$("#wk_variant_id").val(SPL.main_id_variant); SPL.$("#wk_custom_price").val((customer_pay_amount)); }) SPL.$("#wk_custom_price").on('change', function (e) { SPL.$(".wk_pay_what_you_want").css("visibility", "visible"); SPL.$(".wk_error_message").css("visibility", "hidden"); }) } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getSellerTimeSlot', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { if (response_data.getSellerTimeSlot) { SPL.sellerTimeSlot(response_data.getSellerTimeSlot); } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getPostcodeWiseShipping', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { console.log(response_data.getPostcodeWiseShipping); data = response_data.getPostcodeWiseShipping; if (data.getPostcodeWiseShipping) { //console.log("enable_country_in_postcode :: " + data.enable_country_in_postcode); SPL.enable_country_in_postcode = data.enable_country_in_postcode; if (SPL.enable_country_in_postcode == 1) SPL.getAllCountry(); else { var html = ""; html += '
'; SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").append(html); SPL.$("body").find("[id='wk_check_shipping']").on('click', function () { var error = ""; SPL.wk_postcode = SPL.$("body").find("#wk_postcode").val(); if (!SPL.wk_postcode.trim()) { if (typeof (postcode_required) !== 'undefined') postcode_required = (postcode_required != '' && postcode_required != null) ? postcode_required : 'Postalcode is required'; else var postcode_required = 'Postalcode is required'; error += "
" + postcode_required + "
"; html += error; SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").html(html); } else if (typeof SPL.wk_postcode != "undefined" && SPL.wk_postcode != "") { SPL.quantity = SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector").val(); var key = SPL.wk_postcode + "_" + SPL.main_id_variant + "_" + SPL.quantity; var shipping_method = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(key)); if (!shipping_method) SPL.getShippingMethod(); else { var ship_html = ""; SPL.$.each(shipping_method, function (key, value) { ship_html += ""; }); ship_html += "
No.Shipping NamePrice
" + (key + 1) + "" + value.service_name + "" + value.range_price + "
"; SPL.$("#shipping_table").remove(); SPL.$("#error_div").remove(); SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").append(ship_html); } } }); } } if (SPL.$.inArray('hasStorePickupDiv', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { var is_store_pickup = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find('input[type="radio"]:checked').val(); SPL.postcodewise_and_storepickup_active = 1; if (is_store_pickup == "YES") SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").hide(); } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getMultipleShippingOnProductPage', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { if (response_data.getMultipleShippingOnProductPage == "hyperlocal_active") { SPL.wk_multiple_shipping_div = 1; SPL.setCustomerData(); } else if (response_data.getMultipleShippingOnProductPage) SPL.getAllCountry(); } if (SPL.$.inArray('AllowCountrOriginOnProduct', SPL.request_arr) != -1) { if (response_data.AllowCountrOriginOnProduct) SPL.$("#seller_country_origin_div").show(); } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(xhr.status); console.log(thrownError); } }); }; // start ask a que config SPL.getAskAQuestionConfig = function () { if (SPL.$('#ask-btn-div').length > 0) { var parts = window.location.href.split('/'); // after / var lastSegment = parts.pop() || parts.pop(); var other_parts = lastSegment.split('?',1); // before ? var lastSegment = other_parts.pop() || parts.pop(); // console.log(lastSegment); return SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + 'index.php?p=ajax_seller_profile_tag', type: "GET", async: true, cache: false, jsonpCallback: 'getAskAQuestionConfig', contentType: "application/json", dataType: "jsonp", request_arr: SPL.request_arr, data: { shop:, handle: lastSegment, }, success: function (response_data) { // console.log(response_data); // console.log(response_data.askme_label); if(response_data.seller_email != undefined) { SPL.$("#seller_email").val(response_data.seller_email); } if(response_data.status_ask_a_question_app_install != undefined && response_data.status_about_ask_a_question != undefined) { if(response_data.status_ask_a_question_app_install == 1 && response_data.status_about_ask_a_question == 1) { SPL.$("#ask-btn-div").removeClass("hidden"); if(response_data.askme_label != undefined) { SPL.$("#customer_name_label").text(response_data.askme_label['namelabel']); SPL.$("#customer_email_label").text(response_data.askme_label['emaillabel']); SPL.$("#customer_title_label").text(response_data.askme_label['titlelabel']); SPL.$("#customer_query_label").text(response_data.askme_label['querylabel']); SPL.$("#wk-ask_upload_file_btn").text(response_data.askme_label['uploadfile']); SPL.$("#customer_submit_label").text(response_data.askme_label['submitbuttoncontent']); } if(response_data.allow_for_file_upload != undefined && response_data.allow_for_file_upload == 1) { SPL.$("#wk-ask_upload_file_btn").removeClass("hidden"); } } } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(xhr.status); console.log(thrownError); } }); } }; // end ask a que config SPL.activeCustomerInfo = function (email_id) { var e1 = SPL.$("#submitbtn"); var e2 = SPL.$('#wkbtnonload'); e1.css('display', 'none'); e2.css('display', 'block'); return SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + 'index.php?p=customeractivelink', type: "GET", async: true, cache: false, jsonpCallback: 'activeCustomerCallback', contentType: "application/json", dataType: "jsonp", data: { shop: SPL.shop_name, customer_email: email_id, }, success: function (data) { e1.css('display', 'block'); e1.css('margin', '0 auto'); e2.css('display', 'none'); if ( == 1) { SPL.$("#activation_error").css('display', 'block'); SPL.$("#activation_error ul").html('
  • Oops!
    Your email id is not registered with us, you are required to sign up.
    Click here to Sign up/ create account.
  • ') } else if ( == 2) { SPL.$("#activation_error").css('display', 'block'); SPL.$("#activation_error ul").html('
  • Hey!
    You have already activated your account
    If you are still not able to login then click here to reset your password
  • ') } else if ( == 3) { SPL.$("#activation_error").html(''); SPL.$("#activation_error").css('display', 'none'); SPL.$("#activation_success").css('display', 'block'); SPL.$("#activation_success ul").html('
  • Hey! An activation mail has been sent to your registered email id.Please check your spam folder as well.
    Still if you have not received the email, write us at
  • ') } else if ( == 0) { console.log('Merchant is not active'); } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(xhr.status); console.log(thrownError); } }); }; SPL.appendProductCustomField = function (dataDetail) { if (dataDetail.custom_value == '') dataDetail.custom_value = 'Not Available'; var html = ''; var file_html = ''; if (/^\.*\<\/a\>/i.test(dataDetail.custom_value)) file_html = file_html + '

    ' + dataDetail.display_name + ' - ' + dataDetail.custom_value + '

    '; else html = html + '

    ' + dataDetail.display_name + ' - ' + dataDetail.custom_value + '

    '; SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_detail").append(html); SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_file_type").append(file_html); } SPL.appendSellerCustomField = function (dataDetail) { if (dataDetail.custom_value == '') dataDetail.custom_value = 'Not Available'; var html = ''; html = html + '

    ' + dataDetail.display_name + ' - ' + dataDetail.custom_value + '

    '; SPL.$(".wk_seller_custom_detail").append(html); } SPL.checkMinimumPurchase = function (callback) { var vendor_wise_prod = []; var vendor_wise_name = []; var checkout_btn = SPL.$("input[name='checkout']"); var split_cart_feature = false; if (checkout_btn.length == 0) { checkout_btn = SPL.$("button.wk-buy"); if (checkout_btn.length) { split_cart_feature = true; vendor_wise_prod = SPL.$(".wk-buy").map(function () { return SPL.$(this).attr('data-params'); }).get(); vendor_wise_name = SPL.$(".wk-buy").map(function () { return SPL.$(this).attr('data-vendor'); }).get(); } else { checkout_btn = SPL.$("button[name='checkout']"); } } if (checkout_btn.length) { checkout_btn.css("display", "none"); SPL.$(".wk-additional-checkout-btn").css("display", "none"); var wk_addon_count = SPL.$(".wk_addon_count").length; SPL.$.get('/cart.js', function (cart_details) { if (cart_details) { var currency_code = cart_details.currency; var cart_arr = {}; var key_arr = {}; var prod_wise_qty = []; SPL.$.each(cart_details.items, function (i, item) { var arr = {}; var arr1 = {}; arr['product_title'] = item.product_title; arr['variant_title'] = item.variant_title; arr['title'] = item.variant_title; arr['title2'] = item.title; arr['quantity'] = item.quantity; arr['product_id'] = item.product_id; arr['variant_id'] = item.variant_id; arr['price'] = item.price; arr['properties'] =; arr1['quantity'] = item.quantity; arr1['key'] = item.key; arr1['product_id'] = item.product_id; key_arr[item.variant_id] = arr1; cart_arr[i] = arr; if (prod_wise_qty[item.product_id]) prod_wise_qty[item.product_id] += item.quantity; else prod_wise_qty[item.product_id] = item.quantity; }); var selected_tag_dom = SPL.$("body").find("[data-wk_slot_subtotal='wk_slot']"); var selected_tag = selected_tag_dom.attr("data-wk_selected_tag"); var route_insurance = 0; if (SPL.$("body").find("#RouteWidget").length || SPL.$("body").find(".WkRouteWidget").length) route_insurance = 1; var wk_preorder_count = SPL.$(".wk_po_count").length; SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_minimum_purchase", type: "POST", crossDomain: true, dataType: "json", data: { shop:, cart_details: cart_arr, cart_token: cart_details.token, selected_tag: selected_tag, pay_what_you_want: SPL.pay_what_you_want, wk_addon_count: wk_addon_count, route_insurance: route_insurance, wk_preorder_count: wk_preorder_count, callback: "getMinimumPurchase" }, success: function (data) { var create_draft = false; if (data == 'sww' || data == 'shop_not_found' || data.message == 'not_found') { // nothing to do here } else { if (data.min_pur_qty_arr != undefined && data.min_pur_qty_arr.length != 0) { vendor_wise_name = minPurchaseQuantityFuntion(data.min_pur_qty_arr, key_arr, split_cart_feature, vendor_wise_prod, checkout_btn, vendor_wise_name, data.moq_level, prod_wise_qty); } if (data.store_closed != undefined && data.store_closed != "") { //seller time slot restrict closed store checkout SPL.store_closed_list = ""; SPL.$.each(data.store_closed, function (seller_id, vendor_name) { if (SPL.store_closed_list == "") SPL.store_closed_list = vendor_name; else SPL.store_closed_list += (", " + vendor_name); if(typeof split_cart_type != 'undefined' && split_cart_type == 1) { var index = vendor_wise_name.indexOf(sellers[vendor_name]); } else if(typeof split_cart_type != 'undefined' && split_cart_type == 2 && (sellers[vendor_name] == 'anno' || jQuery.inArray(sellers[vendor_name],exception_country) != -1)) { var index = vendor_wise_name.indexOf('anno'); } else { var index = vendor_wise_name.indexOf(vendor_name); } if (index != -1) { vendor_wise_name.splice(index, 1); } vendor_name_id = vendor_name.split(" "); vendor_name_id = vendor_name_id.join("_"); console.log(vendor_name_id); if (SPL.$("*[id='wk_cart_error_" + vendor_name_id + "']").length > 0) { wk_cart_error_labels = SPL.$("*[id='wk_cart_error_" + vendor_name_id + "']").text(); SPL.$("*[id='wk_cart_error_" + vendor_name_id + "']").text(wk_cart_error_labels); SPL.$("*[id='wk_cart_error_" + vendor_name_id + "']").show().css("color", "red"); } }) wk_cart_error_labels = SPL.$("#wk_cart_error").text(); SPL.$("#wk_cart_error").text(SPL.store_closed_list + " " + wk_cart_error_labels); if (!split_cart_feature) { SPL.$("#wk_cart_error").show().css("color", "red"); SPL.main_checkout_condition = false; } } /** minimum purchase code */ if (SPL.$('#wk_min_qty_error').length == 0) { if (SPL.$('#wk_minimum_purchase_div').length && data.seller_detail && Object.keys(data.seller_detail).length && checkout_btn.length > 0) { var minimum_purchase_table = ''; if (SPL.$('.wk_minimum_purchase_table').length == 0) minimum_purchase_table += ''; var seller_name = seller_store_name = minimum_purchase = price = amount_diff = currency = false; var show_checkout = true; var split_cart_seller = []; SPL.$.each(data.seller_detail, function (seller_id, items) { var checkout_condition = "Fail"; var product_title = []; var product_price = []; SPL.$.each(items, function (key, line_item) { currency = line_item['currency']; seller_name = line_item['seller_name']; seller_store_name = line_item['seller_store_name']; minimum_purchase = line_item['minimum_purchase']; product_title.push(line_item['product_title']); product_price.push(line_item['price'] * line_item['quantity']); }); price = product_price.reduce(getSum); var pass_min_condition = false; if (price >= minimum_purchase) { checkout_condition = wk_label_pass; pass_min_condition = true; if (split_cart_feature) split_cart_seller.push(seller_store_name); } else { amount_diff = (minimum_purchase - price) / 100; checkout_condition = wk_label_fail + " " + currency + "" + amount_diff + " " + wk_label_need_added; show_checkout = false; SPL.main_checkout_condition = false; if(typeof split_cart_type != 'undefined' && split_cart_type == 1) { var index = vendor_wise_name.indexOf(sellers[seller_store_name]); } else if(typeof split_cart_type != 'undefined' && split_cart_type == 2 && (sellers[seller_store_name] == 'anno' || jQuery.inArray(sellers[seller_store_name],exception_country) != -1)) { var index = vendor_wise_name.indexOf('anno'); } else { var index = vendor_wise_name.indexOf(seller_store_name); } if (index != -1) vendor_wise_name.splice(index, 1); } if(pass_min_condition){ minimum_purchase_table += ''; }else{ minimum_purchase_table += ''; } }); if (show_checkout) { if (SPL.$('.wk_minimum_purchase_table').length == 0) { SPL.$('.wk-minimum').css("display", "block"); SPL.$('#wk_minimum_purchase_div').attr("data-fail", "false"); } else { if (SPL.$('#wk_minimum_purchase_div').attr("data-fail") == "true") { SPL.main_checkout_condition = false; /** not need to show checkout btn */ } else { SPL.$('.wk-minimum').css("display", "block"); SPL.$('#wk_minimum_purchase_div').attr("data-fail", "false"); } } } else { SPL.$('#wk_minimum_purchase_div').attr("data-fail", "true"); } function getSum(total, num) { return parseInt(total) + parseInt(num); } if (SPL.$('.wk_minimum_purchase_table').length == 0) { minimum_purchase_table += '
    ' + wk_label_store_name + '' + wk_label_product_name + '' + wk_label_checkout_condition + '
    ' + seller_store_name + '' + product_title.join() + '' + checkout_condition + '
    ' + seller_store_name + '' + product_title.join() + '' + checkout_condition + '
    '; SPL.$('#wk_minimum_purchase_div').html(minimum_purchase_table); } else { SPL.$('.wk_minimum_purchase_table').append(minimum_purchase_table); } SPL.$('#wk_minimum_purchase_div').css("display", "block"); } else if (SPL.$('.wk_minimum_purchase_table').length == 0 && SPL.$('.wk-text-danger').length == 0) { } } } if (SPL.$("body").find("#RouteWidget").length && (data.route_insurance && { routeapp.get_quote(data.route_insurance.public_token, data.route_insurance.subtotal, currency_code, SPL.response_quote_api); create_draft = true; } if (data.po_line_items) { validatePreorerQuantity(data.po_line_items, vendor_wise_prod, vendor_wise_name, checkout_btn, split_cart_feature, key_arr, data.po_currency); create_draft = true; } if (data.pay_what_you_want != undefined && data.pay_what_you_want != "") { create_draft = true; } if (SPL.main_checkout_condition && !split_cart_feature) { checkout_btn.css("display", "inline-block"); if (create_draft) { checkout_btn.replaceWith('' + wk_label_checkout_btn + ' '); } SPL.$(".wk-additional-checkout-btn").css("display", "block"); } if (split_cart_feature) { splitCartVendorShow(vendor_wise_name); } return callback(); }, error: function (error) { } }); } else return callback(); }, 'json'); } else return callback(); } SPL.appendStorePickupAddresses = function (display_location_name = 0) { var is_store_pickup = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find('input[type="radio"]:checked').val(); var location_name = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-value'); var complete_address = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-wk_full_address'); var wk_location_id = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-wk_location_id'); SPL.$('#wk_location_complete_address').val(complete_address); SPL.$('#wk_location_id').val(wk_location_id); if (SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').length > 0 && typeof location_name != 'undefined' && display_location_name == 1) { if (is_store_pickup === 'YES') { SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').val(location_name); SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').val(location_name); SPL.$("#wk_shipping").val(''); if (SPL.datepicker_storepickup == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").hide(); if (typeof $ == "function") $("#wk_shipping_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy" }); } else { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message,#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date").val(''); } if (SPL.postcodewise_and_storepickup_active == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").hide(); } } else SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').val('') } if (is_store_pickup === 'YES') { SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find('#wk_store_pickup_locations').removeAttr('disabled').show(); SPL.$("#wk_shipping").val(''); if (SPL.datepicker_storepickup == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").hide(); if (typeof $ == "function") $("#wk_shipping_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy" }); } else { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date").val(''); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message,#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").hide(); } if (SPL.postcodewise_and_storepickup_active == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").hide(); } } SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function () { var is_store_pickup = SPL.$(this).val(); if (is_store_pickup === 'YES') { var location_name = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-value'); var complete_address = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-wk_full_address'); var wk_location_id = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-wk_location_id'); SPL.$('#wk_location_complete_address').val(complete_address); SPL.$('#wk_location_id').val(wk_location_id); SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').val(location_name); SPL.$('#wk_store_pickup_locations').removeAttr('disabled').show(); SPL.$("#wk_shipping").val(''); if (SPL.datepicker_storepickup == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").hide(); if (typeof $ == "function") $("#wk_shipping_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy" }); } else { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date").val(''); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message,#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").hide(); } if (SPL.show_multiple_shipping_on_product_page === true) { if (SPL.hyperlocal_enable === true) { SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find("#shipping_calculator_table").attr('disabled', 'disabled').hide(); } else { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_calculate_div").attr('disabled', 'disabled').hide(); } } if (SPL.postcodewise_and_storepickup_active == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").hide(); } } else { SPL.$('#wk_store_pickup_locations').attr('disabled', 'disabled').hide(); if (SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').length > 0 && display_location_name == 1) { SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').val('') } if (SPL.show_multiple_shipping_on_product_page === true) { if (SPL.hyperlocal_enable === true) { SPL.setCustomerData(); } else { if (SPL.country_code === false) { SPL.country_code = true; SPL.getAllCountry(); } } SPL.$("#wk_shipping_calculate_div").removeAttr('disabled').show(); } if (SPL.postcodewise_and_storepickup_active == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").show(); } } }); SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").on('change', function () { location_name = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-value'); var complete_address = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-wk_full_address'); var wk_location_id = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_locations").children("option:selected").attr('data-wk_location_id'); SPL.$('#wk_location_complete_address').val(complete_address); SPL.$('#wk_location_id').val(wk_location_id); var is_store_pickup = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find('input[type="radio"]:checked').val(); if (SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').length > 0 && typeof location_name != 'undefined' && display_location_name == 1) { if (is_store_pickup === 'YES') SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').val(location_name) else SPL.$('#wk_pickup_location_name').val('') } }) } SPL.distance = function distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) { if ((lat1 == lat2) && (lon1 == lon2)) { return 0; } else { var radlat1 = Math.PI * lat1 / 180; var radlat2 = Math.PI * lat2 / 180; var theta = lon1 - lon2; var radtheta = Math.PI * theta / 180; var dist = Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta); if (dist > 1) { dist = 1; } dist = Math.acos(dist); dist = dist * 180 / Math.PI; dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515; dist = dist * 1.609344; return dist; } } SPL.getCustomerData = function () { if (SPL.customer_email) { return SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + 'index.php?p=ajax_customer_data', type: "GET", async: true, cache: false, jsonpCallback: 'getCustomerData', contentType: "application/json", dataType: "jsonp", data: { shop: SPL.shop_name, customer_email: SPL.customer_email, main_customer_id: SPL.wk_main_id_customer, request_arr: SPL.request_arr }, success: function (response_data) { if (SPL.$.inArray('getCustomerBadge', SPL.request_arr) != -1 && response_data.getCustomerBadge !== undefined) { if (response_data.getCustomerBadge) { if (SPL.$('.wk_customer_badge_div').length) SPL.$('.wk_customer_badge_div').html(response_data.getCustomerBadge); } } if (SPL.$.inArray('getCustomerDraftOrder', SPL.request_arr) != -1 && response_data.getCustomerDraftOrder !== undefined) { var data = response_data.getCustomerDraftOrder; if(data.draft_order){ if (SPL.handle_without_pagination != "account") { var html = " DRAFT ORDERS "; SPL.$('#wk_draft_order_div').html(html); } else { var html = '

    Draft Orders

    '; SPL.$.each(data.draft_order, function ($key, $order) { html += ''; }) html += '
    Draft Order IdDateAmountAction
    ' + $order.draft_order_id + '' + $order.date_add + '' + $order.amount + ' PAY
    '; SPL.$('#wk_draft_order_div').html(html); } } } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(xhr.status); console.log(thrownError); } }); } } SPL.labelLoadjQuery = function (afterLoad) { return SPL.labelLoadScript("//", function () { SPL.$ = jQuery.noConflict(true); if(SPL.$('#wk_mvm_channel').length){ = SPL.$('#wk_mvm_channel').val() ? SPL.$('#wk_mvm_channel').val() : 1; SPL.shop_name = SPL.$('#shop_name').val(); }else{ = 1; SPL.shop_name =; } if (SPL.$(".wk-rateit").length) { SPL.loadCss(SPL.api_url + "lib/rateyo/jquery.rateyo.min.css"); SPL.labelLoadScript(SPL.api_url + "lib/rateyo/jquery.rateyo.min.js", function () { }); } if (SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date").length) { SPL.loadCss(""); SPL.labelLoadScript("", function () { }); } return afterLoad(); }); }; SPL.labelLoadScript = function (url, callback) { var script; script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; if (script.readyState) { script.onreadystatechange = function () { if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; return callback(); } }; } else { script.onload = function () { return callback(); }; } script.src = url; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); return true; }; SPL.LableLoadGoogleScript = function (afterLoad) { var map_key = "AIzaSyAZ2JC2JTuX5kibdbVQvaWH4BaNDab1PHk"; return SPL.labelLoadScript("//" + map_key + "&libraries=places", function () { return afterLoad(); }); } SPL.loadCss = function (url) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], // reference to document.head for appending/ removing link nodes link = document.createElement('link'); // create the link node link.setAttribute('href', url); link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); link.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); head.appendChild(link); // insert the link node into the DOM and start loading the style sheet return link; // return the link node; } SPL.updateSPLVariantId = function () { // before using this paste this wk_variant_selector in variant selector SPL.$('.wk_variant_selector ').on('change', function () { SPL.$(".wk_pay_what_you_want").css("visibility", "visible"); SPL.$(".wk_error_message").css("visibility", "hidden"); var ajax_url = SPL.$(location).attr("href"); var ajax_arr = ajax_url.split("/"); var ajax_handle = ajax_arr[ajax_arr.length - 1]; var query_param = ajax_handle.split("?"); if (query_param[1]) { var ajax_variant = query_param[1].split("&").filter(v => v.trim().split("=")[0] === "variant"); SPL.main_id_variant = ajax_variant.length > 0 ? ajax_variant[0].split("=")[1] : 0; console.log("spl variant id update to " + SPL.main_id_variant); } }) } SPL.createDraftOrderOnCheckout = function (selected_tag) { SPL.$.get('/cart.js', function (cart_details) { if (cart_details) { cart_arr = {}; SPL.$.each(cart_details.items, function (i, item) { var arr = {}; arr['product_title'] = item.product_title; arr['variant_title'] = item.variant_title; arr['title'] = item.variant_title; arr['title2'] = item.title; arr['quantity'] = item.quantity; arr['product_id'] = item.product_id; arr['variant_id'] = item.variant_id; arr['price'] = item.price; arr['discounted_price'] = item.discounted_price; arr['handle'] = item.handle; arr['vendor'] = item.vendor; arr['properties'] =; arr['key'] = item.key; arr['requires_shipping'] = item.requires_shipping; arr['grams'] = item.grams; arr['sku'] = item.sku; arr['taxable'] = item.taxable; arr['total_discount'] = item.total_discount; arr['discounts'] = item.discounts; arr['line_level_discount_allocations'] = item.line_level_discount_allocations; cart_arr[i] = arr; }); let cart_attributes = {}; SPL.$("input[name*='attributes']").each((data, val) => { let name =; name = name.substr(11, name.length - 12); cart_attributes[name] = val.value; }); let cart_note = cart_details.note; var wk_preorder_count = SPL.$(".wk_po_count").length; SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_draft_order_process", type: "POST", crossDomain: true, dataType: "json", data: { shop:, cart_details: cart_arr, cart_token: cart_details.token, selected_tag: selected_tag, wk_insurance_selected: SPL.wk_insurance_selected, wk_routes_insurance_price: SPL.wk_routes_insurance_price, wk_preorder_count: wk_preorder_count, customer_id:, cart_attributes: cart_attributes, cart_note: cart_note, callback: "getDraftOrderInvoice" }, success: function (data) { if (data.invoice_url && data.invoice_url != "undefined" && data.invoice_url != "") { console.log("draft order created"); //console.log(data); window.location.href = data.invoice_url; // window.location.reload(); } else if (data.error) { if (SPL.$(".wk_po_msg__div").length) { SPL.$(".wk_po_msg__div").html("

    " + wk_preorder_qty_error_label + "

    "); } } // else { // SPL.$("form.cart").submit(); // } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); }, complete: function () { SPL.$('#wk_checkout_btn').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); } }, 'json'); } SPL.createDraftOrderForSubscription = function(){ SPL.main_id_product = SPL.$(".wk_subscription_product").attr("data-prod"); SPL.main_id_variant = SPL.$(".wk_subscription_product").attr("data-var"); SPL.quantity = SPL.$(".wk_subscription_quantity").val(); SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_draft_order_process", type: "POST", crossDomain: true, dataType: "json", data: { shop:, main_id_product : SPL.main_id_product, main_id_variant : SPL.main_id_variant, quantity : SPL.quantity , callback: "getDraftOrderInvoiceForSubscription" }, success: function (data) { if (data.invoice_url && data.invoice_url != "undefined" && data.invoice_url != "") { console.log("draft order created"); //console.log(data); window.location.href = data.invoice_url; // window.location.reload(); } else if (data.error) { if (SPL.$(".wk_po_msg__div").length) { SPL.$(".wk_po_msg__div").html("

    " + wk_preorder_qty_error_label + "

    "); } } // else { // SPL.$("form.cart").submit(); // } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); }, complete: function () { SPL.$('#wk_checkout_btn').removeAttr('disabled'); } }); } SPL.convertUTCtimeIntoBrowserTimeString = function (time_str) { // var time = new Date("2001-01-01 " + time_str + " UTC"); // random date var time = new Date("2001-01-01T"+time_str+":00+00:00"); var hours = time.getHours(); var min = time.getMinutes(); var time = hours + ":" + min; return time; } SPL.getDayNtimeNumber = function () { var time = new Date(); console.log(time); var day = time.getDay(); if (day == 0) // for sunday it give value day = 7; var h = time.getHours(); var m = time.getMinutes(); var time_str = h + ':' + m; return { "day": day, "time": time_str }; } SPL.isTimeBetweenSlot = function (time, slot_start_time, slot_close_time) { //format "H:i" only time = time.split(":"); var time_minutes = (+time[0]) * 60 + (+time[1]); slot_start_time = slot_start_time.split(":"); var slot_start_time_minutes = (+slot_start_time[0]) * 60 + (+slot_start_time[1]); slot_close_time = slot_close_time.split(":"); var slot_close_time_minutes = (+slot_close_time[0]) * 60 + (+slot_close_time[1]); var result = false; if (slot_start_time_minutes < slot_close_time_minutes) { if (time_minutes <= slot_close_time_minutes && time_minutes >= slot_start_time_minutes) result = true; else result = false; } else { if (time_minutes <= slot_close_time_minutes || time_minutes >= slot_start_time_minutes) result = true; else result = false; } return result; } SPL.sellerTimeSlot = function (active_all_seller_time_slot) { var dayNtimeValue = SPL.getDayNtimeNumber(); var today_slots = {}; var store_closed = false; for (var seller_id in active_all_seller_time_slot) { var store_closed = true; if (typeof (SPL.$('#active_status_' + seller_id)) != "undefined") { SPL.$('#active_status_' + seller_id).addClass("seller_offline"); } today_slots = active_all_seller_time_slot[seller_id][dayNtimeValue['day']]; for (var slot in today_slots) { if (today_slots[slot]['o'] != "" && today_slots[slot]['c'] != "") { today_slots[slot]['o'] = SPL.convertUTCtimeIntoBrowserTimeString(today_slots[slot]['o']); today_slots[slot]['c'] = SPL.convertUTCtimeIntoBrowserTimeString(today_slots[slot]['c']); var is_seller_online = SPL.isTimeBetweenSlot(dayNtimeValue['time'], today_slots[slot]['o'], today_slots[slot]['c']); if (is_seller_online) { store_closed = false; break; } } } } if (store_closed) { if (SPL.$(".wk_cart").length != 0) SPL.$(".wk_cart").prop("disabled", true); if (SPL.$("#wk_cart_error").length > 0) { SPL.$("#wk_cart_error").show().css("color", "red"); } } } SPL.getShippingMethod = function () { SPL.main_id_product = SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").attr("data-productid"); SPL.weight = SPL.$("#" + SPL.main_id_variant).attr('wk_weight'); SPL.country_name = SPL.$("#wk_country_dd option:selected").html(); SPL.id_state = SPL.$("#wk_state_dd option:selected").val(); SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_postcode_wise_shipping", type: "POST", jsonpCallback: 'getShippingMethod', crossDomain: true, dataType: "jsonp", data: { shop: SPL.shop_name, wk_postcode: SPL.wk_postcode, country_name: SPL.country_name, id_state: SPL.id_state, quantity: SPL.quantity, main_id_product: SPL.main_id_product, main_id_variant: SPL.main_id_variant, wk_weight: SPL.weight, callback: "getShippingMethod" }, success: function (data) { var ship_html = "
    "; console.log(data); if (data != undefined && data != false && data.shipping) { var shipping_method = data.shipping; var key = SPL.wk_postcode + "_" + SPL.main_id_variant + "_" + SPL.quantity; sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(shipping_method)); SPL.$.each(shipping_method, function (key, value) { ship_html += ""; }); ship_html += "
    No.Shipping NamePrice
    " + (key + 1) + "" + value.service_name + "" + value.range_price + "
    "; SPL.$("#shipping_table").remove(); SPL.$("#error_div").remove(); SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").append(ship_html); } else { if (data == "no_shipping_available") { if (typeof (no_shipping_available) !== 'undefined') data = (no_shipping_available != '' && no_shipping_available != null) ? no_shipping_available : 'No Shipping Method Is Available'; else data = 'No Shipping Method Is Available'; } else if (data == "currently_no_shipping_available") { if (typeof (currently_no_shipping_available) !== 'undefined') data = (currently_no_shipping_available != '' && currently_no_shipping_available != null) ? currently_no_shipping_available : 'Currently No Shipping Method Is Available'; else data = 'Currently No Shipping Method Is Available'; } else if (data == "shipping_not_active_for_postcode_zone") { if (typeof (shipping_not_active_for_postcode_zone) !== 'undefined') data = (shipping_not_active_for_postcode_zone != '' && shipping_not_active_for_postcode_zone != null) ? shipping_not_active_for_postcode_zone : 'Shipping Is not Active For The Postcode Zone'; else data = 'Shipping Is not Active For The Postcode Zone'; } else if (data == "postcode_zone_not_active") { if (typeof (postcode_zone_not_active) !== 'undefined') data = (postcode_zone_not_active != '' && postcode_zone_not_active != null) ? postcode_zone_not_active : 'Postcode Zone Shipping Is Not Active'; else data = 'Postcode Zone Shipping Is Not Active'; } else if (data == "postcode_disabled") { if (typeof (postcode_disabled) !== 'undefined') data = (postcode_disabled != '' && postcode_disabled != null) ? postcode_disabled : 'Postcode Code Zone Has Not Been Configured By The Merchant'; else data = 'Postcode Code Zone Has Not Been Configured By The Merchant'; } var error = "
    " + "*" + data + "
    "; SPL.$("#error_div").remove(); SPL.$("#shipping_table").remove(); SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").append(error); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } SPL.submitContactUsForm = function (form) { var name = form.find("input[name='name']").val().trim(); var email = form.find("input[name='email']").val().trim(); var query = form.find("textarea[name='query']").val().trim(); var main_id_product = form.find("input[name='main_id_product']").val(); if (!main_id_product) { main_id_product = SPL.wk_main_id_product; } var email_reg = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; var script_reg = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig; var spin = SPL.$('#loader'); query = encodeURIComponent(query); form.find('.mp-err').html(''); form.siblings('.mp-success').hide(); if (name.length < 1) { form.find('.mp-err').html('Enter your name.'); } else if (!email_reg.test(email)) { form.find('.mp-err').html('Enter a valid email address'); } else if (query.length < 1) { form.find('.mp-err').html('Write your query'); } else if (script_reg.test(email) || script_reg.test(name) || script_reg.test(query)) { form.find('.mp-err').html('Script tags are not allowed'); } else { SPL.$('#query-btn').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + 'index.php?p=ajax_seller_profile_tag', async: true, cache: false, jsonpCallback: 'query', contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'jsonp', data: { name: name, shop: SPL.shop_name, email: email, seller: SPL.seller, is_preview: SPL.preview, request_arr: SPL.request_arr, main_id_product: main_id_product, query: query, }, beforeSend: function () {; }, success: function (response_data) { spin.hide(); if ( == 'script_error') form.find('.mp-err').html('Script tags are not allowed.. please try again after some time.'); else if ( == 'sww') form.find('.mp-err').html('something went wrong.. please try again after some time.'); else if ( == 'success') { form.siblings('.mp-success').show(); form.slideUp(function () { SPL.$(this).remove(); }); } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { SPL.$('#query-btn').show(); console.log(xhr.status); console.log(thrownError); }, complete: function () { } }); } return false; } SPL.setCustomerData = function () { if (SPL.hyperlocal_enable === true) SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find("#shipping_calculator_table").remove(); var wk_customer_location = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('wk_customer_location')); console.log("wk_customer_location " + wk_customer_location); var country_name = id_country = id_state = state_name = false; if (wk_customer_location) { var lat =; var lng = wk_customer_location.lng; var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var latlng = { lat: parseFloat(lat), lng: parseFloat(lng) }; geocoder.geocode({ location: latlng }, function (results, status) { if (status === "OK") { var idx = 0; // key2 var key = Object.keys(results)[idx]; value = results[key]; var address_components = value.address_components; SPL.$.each(address_components, function (key, value) { if (value.types[0] === "administrative_area_level_1" && value.types[1] === "political") SPL.state_name = value.long_name; if (value.types[0] === "country" && value.types[1] === "political") SPL.country_name = value.long_name; }); // console.log("customer country_name " + SPL.country_name); // console.log("customer state_name" + SPL.state_name); SPL.getMultipleShippingMethod(); } }); } } SPL.getMultipleShippingMethod = function () { var wk_customer_location = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('wk_customer_location')); var country_name = id_country = id_state = state_name = false; if (wk_customer_location) { SPL.show_local_shipping = 1; //customer belongs to radius where seller is shipping country_name = SPL.country_name; state_name = SPL.state_name; } else { id_country = SPL.$("#wk_country_dd option:selected").val(); country_name = SPL.$("#wk_country_dd option:selected").html(); id_state = SPL.$("#wk_state_dd option:selected").val(); } SPL.quantity = SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector").val(); SPL.weight = SPL.$("#" + SPL.main_id_variant).attr('wk_weight'); SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_mp_multiple_shipping", type: "POST", jsonpCallback: 'getMultipleShippingMethod', crossDomain: true, dataType: "jsonp", data: { shop: SPL.shop_name, main_id_product: SPL.wk_main_id_product, main_id_variant: SPL.main_id_variant, id_country: id_country, id_state: id_state, country_name: country_name, quantity: SPL.quantity, weight: SPL.weight, state_name: state_name, callback: "getMultipleShippingMethod" }, success: function (data) { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_tr").remove(); SPL.$("#error_div").html(""); // console.log("from mp shipping " + data); if (data != undefined && data != false && data.shipping) { var shipping_method = false; var shipping_charge_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? data.label.shipping_charge : 'Shipping Charges'; var currency = data.currency; var show_local_and_global_shipping_on_product_page = data.show_local_and_global_shipping_on_product_page; //works only when hyperlocal is active html = ""; if (SPL.hyperlocal_enable === true || SPL.wk_multiple_shipping_div) { var local_shipping = data.shipping.local_shipping; var global_shipping = data.shipping.global_shipping; var html = ""; if (show_local_and_global_shipping_on_product_page == 1) { if (local_shipping != '' && local_shipping != null && typeof local_shipping !== "undefined") shipping_method = Object.assign(local_shipping, global_shipping); else shipping_method = global_shipping; // console.log(JSON.stringify(shipping_method, null, 4)); } else if (local_shipping && SPL.show_local_shipping == 1) { shipping_method = local_shipping; shipping_charge_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? data.label.local_shipping_charge : 'Local Shipping Charge'; } else if (global_shipping) { shipping_method = global_shipping; shipping_charge_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? data.label.global_shipping_charge : 'Global Shipping Charge'; if (typeof hyperlocal_active != 'undefined' && hyperlocal_active == 1) { SPL.$(".wk_hyperlocal").attr('disabled', false); SPL.$('#wk_product_available').html(); SPL.addToCartDisabled = false; } } else shipping_method = data.shipping; } else shipping_method = data.shipping; if (shipping_method != 'shipping_not_found') { // var shipping_charge_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? data.label.shipping_charge : 'Shipping Charges'; // if (shipping_type != "Normal") // shipping_charge_label = shipping_type + " " + shipping_charge_label; html += "
    "; else html += "
    "; } if (SPL.hyperlocal_enable === true) SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").append(html); else if (SPL.wk_multiple_shipping_div) SPL.$("#wk_multiple_shipping_div").append(html); else SPL.$("#shipping_calculator_table").append(html); SPL.addShippingToProduct(); } else { var no_shipping_available_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? (typeof (data.label.no_shipping_available) == "undefined" ? 'No shipping Available' : data.label.no_shipping_available) : 'No shipping available'; var error = " "; SPL.$("#shipping_calculator_table").append(error); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } SPL.getAllCountry = function () { setTimeout(function () { if (SPL.$('#wk_shipping_calculate').length) { SPL.$('#wk_shipping_calculate').html(""); if (SPL.$('#wk_postcode_wise_shipping').length) { SPL.$('#wk_postcode_wise_shipping').html(""); //SPL.$("#error_div").remove(); } SPL.$("head").append(''); SPL.$.ajax({ url: "" + SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_shipping_calculate_process", type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { shop:, callback: 'getAllCountry' }, beforeSend: function () { SPL.$(".mp-loader").show(); }, success: function (data) { SPL.$(".mp-loader").hide(); if (data == "not_active") console.log("not_active"); else { var country_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? : 'Country'; var html = "
    "; SPL.$("#wk_shipping_calculate").append(html); html = ""; html += "
    "; SPL.$("#wk_shipping_calculate_div").css({ 'border': '2px solid', 'margin': '20px 0px', 'padding': '20px' }); SPL.$("#wk_country_div").append(html); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } else console.log("div not found"); }, 2000); }; SPL.addShippingToProduct = function () { var is_store_pickup = SPL.$("#wk_store_pickup_div").find('input[type="radio"]:checked').val(); var shipping_name = SPL.$("#multiple_shipping_select").children("option:selected").attr('data-value'); var datepicker_value = SPL.$("#multiple_shipping_select").children("option:selected").attr('datepicker-value'); SPL.$("#wk_shipping").val(shipping_name); if (datepicker_value != "undefined" && datepicker_value == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").show(); if (typeof $ == "function") $("#wk_shipping_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy" }); } else { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message,#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date").val(''); } SPL.$("#multiple_shipping_select").on('change', function () { shipping_name = SPL.$("#multiple_shipping_select").children("option:selected").attr('data-value'); datepicker_value = SPL.$("#multiple_shipping_select").children("option:selected").attr('datepicker-value'); SPL.$("#wk_shipping").val(shipping_name); if (datepicker_value != "undefined" && datepicker_value == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").show(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message").show(); if (typeof $ == "function") $("#wk_shipping_date").datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy" }); } else { SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date_div").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_bring_delivery_calendar_message,#wk_bring_pick_up_calendar_message").hide(); SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date").val(''); } }) } SPL.response_quote_api = function (data) { if (data.insurance_price != "undefined") SPL.wk_routes_insurance_price = data.insurance_price; } SPL.response_insured_changed = function (data) { var insurance_selected = data.insurance_selected; if (insurance_selected) { SPL.wk_routes_insurance_price = data.insurance_price; SPL.wk_insurance_selected = 1; } else { SPL.wk_routes_insurance_price = 0; SPL.wk_insurance_selected = 0; } } SPL.vendorAddress = function (vendor_name) { SPL.$.ajax({ url: SPL.api_url + 'index.php?p=ajax_seller_profile_tag', async: true, cache: false, jsonpCallback: 'vendor_address', contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'jsonp', data: { shop: SPL.shop_name, request_arr: SPL.request_arr, main_id_product: SPL.wk_main_id_product, vendor_name: vendor_name, }, success: function (data) { if (data != undefined && data != false && data.vendor_address) { var vendor_address = data.vendor_address; sessionStorage.setItem("wk_seller_address", JSON.stringify(vendor_address)); SPL.$(".wk_vendor_address").each(function () { vendor_store = SPL.$(this).attr("data-vendor"); if (vendor_address[vendor_store] != undefined && vendor_address[vendor_store].country == 'United States') { SPL.$(this).html(" " + vendor_address[vendor_store].city + ", " + vendor_address[vendor_store].state + ", " + vendor_address[vendor_store].country + ""); } else if (vendor_address[vendor_store] != undefined) { SPL.$(this).html(" " + vendor_address[vendor_store].city + ", " + vendor_address[vendor_store].country + ""); } }); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } SPL.getActiveState = function(id_country){ if (id_country != "") { SPL.$.ajax({ url: "" + SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_shipping_calculate_process", type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { shop:, id_country: id_country, callback: 'getActiveState' }, success: function (data) { if (data.states == "not_active"){ console.log("not_active"); } else { SPL.$("#wk-mvm-shipping-state").html(""); html = ""; if (data.states != 'state_not_found') { SPL.$.each(data.states, function (i, value) { html += ""; }); SPL.$("#wk-mvm-shipping-state").append(html); SPL.$(".wk-mvm-shipping-state-div").show(); SPL.$(".wk-shipping-days-btn").show(); }else{ SPL.$(".wk-mvm-shipping-state-div").hide(); SPL.$(".wk-shipping-days-btn").show(); } } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } } SPL.checkMarketplaceShippingForProduct = function(main_product_id){ if (main_product_id != "") { SPL.$.ajax({ url: "" + SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_shipping_calculate_process", type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { shop:, main_product_id: main_product_id,callback: 'checkMarketplaceShippingForProduct' }, success: function (data) { if (data.status) { SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section").show(); let sphtml = ``; let all_shipping = data.details.all_shipping; if(all_shipping.length > 1){ SPL.$(".wk-mvm-shipping-method-div").show(); } else { SPL.$(".wk-mvm-shipping-method-div").hide(); } SPL.$.each(all_shipping,function (i,val) { sphtml += ``; }) SPL.$("#wk-mvm-shipping-method").html(sphtml); } else { SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section").hide(); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } } return SPL; })(); SPL.SPLCallback = function (DATA) { }; // if( == 1){ // SPL.shop_name =; // }else if( == 2){ // SPL.shop_name = SPL.shop_name; // } // SPL.wk_main_id_product = 'mvm_19'; SPL.url_obj = document.URL; if (SPL.url_obj.endsWith("/")) SPL.url_obj = SPL.url_obj.slice(0, -1); // SPL.url_obj = document.URL.split("/"); SPL.url_obj = SPL.url_obj.split("/"); = SPL.url_obj[SPL.url_obj.length - 2]; SPL.handle = SPL.url_obj[SPL.url_obj.length - 1]; SPL.handle_pagination = SPL.handle.split('?'); // console.log(document.getElementById('wk_mvm_channel').value); // console.log(document.getElementById('wk_mvm_page').value); if(typeof document.getElementById('wk_mvm_channel') != 'undefined' && document.getElementById('wk_mvm_channel') != null){ if(document.getElementById('wk_mvm_channel').value != 1) { if(!inArray( ,["products" , "p" , "collections" , "search"])){ = document.getElementById("wk_mvm_page").value; } } } SPL.handle_without_pagination = SPL.handle_pagination[0]; SPL.main_id_variant = 0; SPL.addToCartDisabled = false; SPL.query_param = SPL.handle.split("?"); if (SPL.query_param[1]) { SPL.variant = SPL.query_param[1].split("&").filter(v => v.trim().split("=")[0] === "variant"); SPL.main_id_variant = SPL.variant.length > 0 ? SPL.variant[0].split("=")[1] : 0; } // variable assigning if (typeof wk_label_store_name === "undefined") wk_label_store_name = "Seller Store Name"; if (typeof wk_label_product_name === "undefined") wk_label_product_name = "Product Name"; if (typeof wk_label_checkout_condition === "undefined") wk_label_checkout_condition = "Checkout Condition"; if (typeof wk_label_pass === "undefined") wk_label_pass = "Pass"; if (typeof wk_label_fail === "undefined") wk_label_fail = "Fail (amount"; if (typeof wk_label_need_added === "undefined") wk_label_need_added = "needs to be added)"; if (typeof wk_label_minimum_quantity === "undefined") wk_label_minimum_quantity = "Quantity Must be greater than Minimum purchase Quantity"; if (typeof wk_label_minimum_purchase_amount === "undefined") wk_label_minimum_purchase_amount = "Minimum Purchase Amount"; if (typeof (label_data) != "undefined" && label_data && label_data.label34) { wk_preorder_qty_error_label = label_data.label34; } else { wk_preorder_qty_error_label = "Product quantity available for preorder is less than the quantity added to the cart. Kindly, reduce the product quantity & proceed to checkout."; } if ( == 'products' || == 'p') { SPL.show_seller_info = 0; SPL.labelLoadjQuery(function () { SPL.request_arr = []; /**** valerie customization start ********/ SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail").attr('data-productid')); if( == 2 || == 4){ // if(isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product)){ // SPL.wk_main_id_product = "mvm_19"; // } SPL.wk_main_id_product = SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail").attr('data-productid'); }else{ if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_n_logo").attr('data-productid')); /**** valerie customization end ********/ if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_seller_info").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_woocommerce_extra_info").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$('#seller-policy-tab').data('productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$('#wk_delivery_day_div').data('productid')); if (SPL.$('#wk_store_pickup_div').length) { if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$('#wk_store_pickup_div').attr('data-productid')); SPL.request_arr.push('hasStorePickupDiv'); } if (SPL.$('#wk_seller_badge_div').length || SPL.$('.wk_seller_badge_div').length) { if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$('#wk_seller_badge_div').attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$('.wk_seller_badge_div').attr('data-productid')); SPL.request_arr.push('getSellerBadge'); } if (SPL.$("#wk_seller_vacation_div").length == 1) { if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$('#wk_seller_vacation_div').attr('data-productid')); SPL.request_arr.push('hasSellerVacationDiv'); } if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$("#wk_seller_description").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$("#wk_shipping_zones").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_seller_custom_detail").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_woocommerce_extra_info").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_detail").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_hyperlocal_mp").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$("#min_purchase_quantity_div").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_file_type").attr('data-productid')); if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_product) || SPL.wk_main_id_product == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_product == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$('[name="main_id_product"]').val()); } if (isNaN(SPL.main_id_variant) || SPL.main_id_variant == "" || SPL.main_id_variant == 0) { if (SPL.$('form[action="/cart/add"]').length > 1) SPL.main_id_variant = SPL.$('input[name^=id]:checked, select[name^=id], input[name=id], hidden[name^=id]', SPL.$('.wk_hyperlocal_product_variant')).val(); else SPL.main_id_variant = SPL.$('input[name^=id]:checked, select[name^=id], input[name=id], hidden[name^=id]', SPL.$('form[action="/cart/add"]')).val(); } if (SPL.$(".wk_seller_info").length) SPL.show_seller_info = 1; if (SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail").length || SPL.$(".wk_seller_detail_logo").length || SPL.$(".wk_seller_store_logo").length || SPL.$(".wk_seller_info").length) { // SPL.appendDiv(); console.log('exists'); SPL.request_arr.push('sellProfileCallback') } if (SPL.shop_name != "" && (SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_detail").length || SPL.$(".wk_seller_custom_detail").length || SPL.$(".wk_product_custom_file_type").length)) { // SPL.getCutomeFieldDetail(); SPL.request_arr.push("CutomeFieldDetailCallback"); } if (SPL.$('#seller-policy-tab').length > 0 || SPL.$('.seller-policy-tab').length > 0) { // SPL.getSellerPolicy(product); SPL.request_arr.push("getreviews"); } if (SPL.$('#wk_delivery_day_div').length > 0) { // SPL.getDeliveryDay(product); SPL.request_arr.push("getdeliveryday"); } if (SPL.$('#wk_seller_description').length > 0) { // SPL.getSellerPolicy(product); SPL.request_arr.push("geSellerDescription"); } if (SPL.$('#wk_seller_description').length > 0) { // SPL.getSellerPolicy(product); SPL.request_arr.push("geSellerDescription"); } if (SPL.$('#wk_shipping_zones').length > 0) { SPL.request_arr.push('getSellerShippingZones'); } if (SPL.$('.wk_hyperlocal_mp').length > 0 && typeof hyperlocal_active != "undefined" && hyperlocal_active == 1) { SPL.storedIds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wk_seller_ids")); SPL.custm_loc = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wk_customer_location")); SPL.request_arr.push('getSellerAvailablity'); } else if (typeof hyperlocal_active != "undefined" && hyperlocal_active == 0) { localStorage.removeItem('wk_customer_location'); localStorage.removeItem('wk_seller_ids'); } if (SPL.$('#wk-slot-var-price').length == 0 || SPL.$('#wk_store_pickup_div').length > 0) { if (SPL.$('#wk-slot-var-price').length == 0) SPL.request_arr.push('getMinPurchaseQuantity'); if (SPL.$('.single-option-selector ').length) { SPL.$('.single-option-selector ').on('change', function () { var ajax_url = SPL.$(location).attr("href"); var ajax_arr = ajax_url.split("/"); var ajax_handle = ajax_arr[ajax_arr.length - 1]; var query_param = ajax_handle.split("?"); if (query_param[1]) { var ajax_variant = query_param[1].split("&").filter(v => v.trim().split("=")[0] === "variant"); SPL.main_id_variant = ajax_variant.length > 0 ? ajax_variant[0].split("=")[1] : 0; } SPL.request_arr = Array(); if (SPL.$('#wk-slot-var-price').length == 0) SPL.request_arr.push('getMinPurchaseQuantity'); if (SPL.$('#wk_store_pickup_div').length > 0) SPL.request_arr.push('hasStorePickupDiv'); //SPL.getAllConfigDetails(); }) } } if (SPL.$('.wk_qty_selector_value').length) { SPL.request_arr.push('getMinPurchaseQuantity'); } // minimum purchase amount if (SPL.$("#wk_product_mpa").length) { SPL.wk_main_id_product = Number(SPL.$("#wk_product_mpa").attr("data-product_id")); SPL.wk_selected_tag = SPL.$("#wk_product_mpa").attr("data-selected_tag"); SPL.request_arr.push('getSellerMinPurchaseAmount'); } if (SPL.$(".wk_choice_pay").length) { SPL.request_arr.push('getPayWhatYouWantStatus'); } if (SPL.$("#wk_seller_time_slot").length) { SPL.wk_main_id_product = SPL.$("#wk_seller_time_slot").attr("data-productid"); SPL.request_arr.push('getSellerTimeSlot'); } if (SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").length) { SPL.wk_main_id_product = SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").attr("data-productid"); SPL.request_arr.push('getPostcodeWiseShipping'); } if (SPL.$("#wk_multiple_shipping_div").length) { SPL.wk_main_id_product = SPL.$("#wk_multiple_shipping_div").attr("data-productid"); SPL.request_arr.push('getMultipleShippingOnProductPage'); } if (SPL.$("#seller_country_origin_div").length) { SPL.wk_main_id_product = SPL.$("#seller_country_origin_div").attr("data-productid"); SPL.request_arr.push('AllowCountrOriginOnProduct'); } if (SPL.request_arr.length > 0) { /* need to get all configuration data from ajax */ SPL.getAllConfigDetails(); if (SPL.$(".wk_woocommerce_extra_info").length > 0){ SPL.woocommerceAttributeExtraInfo(); } } if (SPL.$('#contact-us-form').length) { SPL.$('body').on('submit', '#contact-us-form', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); SPL.request_arr = []; SPL.request_arr.push('query'); SPL.submitContactUsForm(SPL.$(this)); }); } var wk_subscription = SPL.$("body").find(".wk_subscription_checkout_btn").length; //console.log("tushar jain testing5 " + wk_subscription); if(wk_subscription > 0){ SPL.$("body").on("click", "#wk_checkout_btn", function (e) { SPL.$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); e.preventDefault(); //console.log("tushar jain testing5 "); var radioValue = SPL.$("input[name='properties[subscription_want]']:checked").val(); console.log("testing radir value"+radioValue); if(radioValue == "SUBSCRIPTION"){ SPL.createDraftOrderForSubscription(); } // }) } SPL.$('body').on('change', '#wk_country_dd', function () { if (SPL.$('#wk_postcode_wise_shipping').length) { SPL.$('#wk_postcode_wise_shipping').html(""); } SPL.$('#wk_state_tr ,#wk_calculate_tr,#wk_shipping_tr,#wk_postcode_tr,#shipping_table,#wk_postcode_div').html(""); SPL.$("#wk_shipping").val(''); SPL.$("#wk_shipping_date").val(''); var id_country = SPL.$("#wk_country_dd option:selected").val(); // console.log("selected country " + id_country); if (id_country != "") { SPL.$.ajax({ url: "" + SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_shipping_calculate_process", type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { shop:, id_country: id_country, callback: 'getActiveStates' }, success: function (data) { if (data == "not_active") console.log("not_active"); else { var state_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? data.label.state : 'State'; var calculate_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? data.label.calculate : 'Calculate'; var zipcode_label = (data.label != '' && data.label != null) ? data.label.zipcode : 'Zipcode'; SPL.$("#wk_state_div, #wk_postcode_div").html(""); html = ""; if (data.states != 'state_not_found') { html += ""; } if (SPL.enable_country_in_postcode == 1) { html += ""; } else { html += ""; } SPL.$("#shipping_calculator_table").append(html); } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } }); SPL.$('body').on('click', '#wk_shipping_calculate_btn', function () { SPL.$('#wk_shipping_calculate_error').html(""); SPL.$('#wk_shipping_div').html(""); SPL.getMultipleShippingMethod(); }); SPL.$('body').on('click', '#wk_postcode_country_shipping', function () { var error = ""; SPL.wk_postcode = SPL.$("#wk_postcode").val(); if (!SPL.wk_postcode.trim()) { if (typeof (postcode_required) !== 'undefined') postcode_required = (postcode_required != '' && postcode_required != null) ? postcode_required : 'Postalcode is required'; else var postcode_required = 'Postalcode is required'; error += "
    " + postcode_required + "
    "; SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").html(""); SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").append(error); } else if (typeof SPL.wk_postcode != "undefined" && SPL.wk_postcode != "") { SPL.quantity = SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector").val(); var key = SPL.wk_postcode + "_" + SPL.main_id_variant + "_" + SPL.quantity; var shipping_method = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(key)); if (!shipping_method) SPL.getShippingMethod(); else { var ship_html = "
    "; SPL.$.each(shipping_method, function (key, value) { ship_html += ""; }); ship_html += "
    No.Shipping NamePrice
    " + (key + 1) + "" + value.service_name + "" + value.range_price + "
    "; SPL.$("#shipping_table").remove(); SPL.$("#error_div").remove(); SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").append(ship_html); } } }); SPL.$('body').on('change', '#wk_state_dd', function () { if (SPL.enable_country_in_postcode == 1) { SPL.$("#wk_postcode").val(''); SPL.$("#wk_postcode_wise_shipping").html(""); } }); if (SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section").length > 0){ let main_id_product = SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section").attr("data-productid"); SPL.checkMarketplaceShippingForProduct(main_id_product); } if (SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-country option:selected").length > 0){ var id_country = SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-country option:selected").val(); if(id_country){ SPL.getActiveState(id_country); } } if(SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-country").length > 0){ SPL.$('body').on('change', '#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-country', function () { var id_country = SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-country option:selected").val(); if(id_country){ SPL.getActiveState(id_country); } }); } if(SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section .wk-shipping-days-btn").length > 0){ SPL.$('body').on('click', '#wk-shipping-days-section .wk-shipping-days-btn', function () { var id_country = SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-country option:selected").val(); var id_state = SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-state option:selected").val(); var main_id_product = SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section").attr("data-productid"); var id_seller_shipping = SPL.$("#wk-shipping-days-section #wk-mvm-shipping-method option:selected").val(); console.log("last final id_seller_shipping", id_seller_shipping); SPL.quantity = SPL.$(".wk_qty_selector").val(); SPL.weight = SPL.$("#" + SPL.main_id_variant).attr('wk_weight'); if(id_country){ SPL.$.ajax({ url: "" + SPL.api_url + "index.php?p=ajax_shipping_calculate_process", type: "GET", dataType: "json", data: { shop:,main_id_product: main_id_product, main_id_variant:SPL.main_id_variant,quantity:SPL.quantity, weight:SPL.weight,id_country: id_country,id_state : id_state, id_seller_shipping : id_seller_shipping ,callback: 'getShippingDays' }, success: function (data) { console.log("last final data", data); if (data.status == "not_found"){ console.log("not_found"); SPL.$('#wk-shipping-days-display-section').hide(); SPL.$('#shipping_day_error_msg').show(); } else if(data.status == true){ var shipping_days = data['shipping_data']['shipping_days']; var delivery_days = data['shipping_data']['delivery_days']; const currentDate = new Date(); const new_shipping_days = new Date(currentDate); const new_delivery_days = new Date(currentDate); if(Number(shipping_days) && Number(delivery_days)){ new_shipping_days.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + Number(shipping_days)); new_delivery_days.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + Number(delivery_days)); const ship_day = new_shipping_days.getDate(); const del_days = new_delivery_days.getDate(); if(months_list == undefined){ var months_list = ["Jan","Feb","March","April","May","June","July","Aug","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; } //new_shipping_days.toLocaleString(undefined, { month: 'short' }); // new_delivery_days.toLocaleString(undefined, { month: 'short' }); const cu_day = currentDate.getDate(); const curr_month = months_list[currentDate.getMonth()]; const ship_month = months_list[new_shipping_days.getMonth()]; const del_month = months_list[new_delivery_days.getMonth()]; SPL.$('#wk-mvm-shipping-date-order-current').html(`${cu_day} ${curr_month}`); SPL.$('#wk-mvm-shipping-date-order-Dispatche').html(`${ship_day} ${ship_month}`); SPL.$('#wk-mvm-shipping-date-order-delivered').html(`${del_days} ${del_month}`); SPL.$('.wk-estimated-arrival-date').html(`${del_days} ${del_month}`); SPL.$('#wk-shipping-days-display-section').show(); } if(data.shipp_cost_status && Number(shipping_days) && Number(delivery_days)){ if(free_label != undefined && (data.shipp_cost == '0.00' || data.shipp_cost =='0.0' || data.shipp_cost =='0')){ SPL.$(".wk-mvm-shipping-cost").html(free_label); }else{ SPL.$(".wk-mvm-shipping-cost").html(`${data.currency} ${data.shipp_cost}`); } SPL.$('.wk-mvm-shipping-cost-section').show(); SPL.$('#shipping_day_error_msg').hide(); }else{ SPL.$('#wk-shipping-days-display-section').hide(); SPL.$('#shipping_day_error_msg').show(); } } }, error: function (error) { console.log(error); } }); } }); } }); } else if (SPL.handle_without_pagination == 'cart') { //console.log("tushar jain testing1 "); SPL.labelLoadjQuery(function () { var check_minimum_purchase_condition = (SPL.$("body").find(".wk_make_offer_count").length == 0 && SPL.$("body").find(".wk_slot_count").length == 0); if (check_minimum_purchase_condition) { if (SPL.$("body").find(".wk_pay_what_you_want_count").length) SPL.pay_what_you_want = true; SPL.checkMinimumPurchase(checkoutButtonCallback); } else checkoutButtonCallback(); //console.log("tushar jain testing2 "); }); } else if (SPL.handle_without_pagination == 'login' || SPL.handle_without_pagination == 'activate-your-account') { SPL.labelLoadjQuery(function () { SPL.$("#customer_email").focusin(function () { SPL.$(this).removeClass('input--error'); }); SPL.$('body').on('submit', '#customer_active_from', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var email_id = SPL.$('#wk_customer_email').val(); if (email_id == '') { SPL.$('#wk_customer_email').addClass('error'); } else { SPL.activeCustomerInfo(email_id) } return false; }) }); } else if (SPL.url_obj[SPL.url_obj.length - 3] == 'account' && SPL.url_obj[SPL.url_obj.length - 2] == 'orders') { SPL.labelLoadjQuery(function () { if (SPL.$("#storepickup_direction").length) { SPL.$("body").on("click", "#storepickup_direction", function () { var pickup_address = SPL.$(this).attr("title"); if (typeof pickup_address != "undefined" && pickup_address != "") {"" + pickup_address); } }); SPL.$("#storepickup_direction").css("cursor", "pointer"); } else { SPL.$("body").find("img").on("click", function () { var pickup_address = SPL.$(this).attr("title"); if (typeof pickup_address != "undefined" && pickup_address != "") {"" + pickup_address); } }); SPL.$("img").css("cursor", "pointer"); } }); } else if ( == 'collections' || == "" || SPL.handle_without_pagination == 'search') { SPL.labelLoadjQuery(function () { if (SPL.$('.wk_hyperlocal_mp').length > 0 && typeof hyperlocal_active != "undefined" && hyperlocal_active) { SPL.storedIds = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wk_seller_ids")); SPL.sellerStores = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wk_seller_stores")); var val; SPL.$('.wk_hyperlocal_vendor').each(function (val) { val = SPL.$(this).attr('data-value'); if (SPL.$.inArray(val, SPL.sellerStores) == -1) { SPL.$(this).html('' + product_unavailable + ''); } }); } // start ask a que config SPL.getAskAQuestionConfig(); // end ask a que config if (SPL.$('.wk_vendor_address').length > 0) { SPL.$("head").append(""); SPL.sellerAddress = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("wk_seller_address")); var vendor_in_session = []; var vendor_name = []; SPL.$('.wk_vendor_address').each(function (val) { val = SPL.$(this).attr('data-vendor'); if (SPL.sellerAddress != undefined && SPL.sellerAddress != false) { if (val in SPL.sellerAddress) { vendor_in_session.push(val); } } else { vendor_name.push(val); } }); if (vendor_in_session != undefined && vendor_in_session != false) { SPL.$(".wk_vendor_address").each(function () { vendor_store = SPL.$(this).attr("data-vendor"); if (SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store] != undefined && SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store].country == 'United States') { SPL.$(this).html(" " + SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store].city + ", " + SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store].state + ", " + SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store].country + ""); } else if (SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store] != undefined) { SPL.$(this).html(" " + SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store].city + ", " + SPL.sellerAddress[vendor_store].country + ""); } }); } if (vendor_name != undefined && vendor_name != false) { SPL.request_arr.push('vendor_address'); SPL.vendorAddress(vendor_name); } } }); } else if (SPL.handle_without_pagination == 'account') { SPL.labelLoadjQuery(function () { if(SPL.request_arr === undefined && SPL.request_arr.length == 0) SPL.request_arr = []; if (SPL.$('#wk_draft_order_div').length) { SPL.customer_email = SPL.$("#wk_draft_order_div").attr('data-customerEmail'); SPL.request_arr.push('getCustomerDraftOrder'); } if (SPL.$('.wk_customer_badge_div').length) { if (isNaN(SPL.wk_main_id_customer) || SPL.wk_main_id_customer == "" || SPL.wk_main_id_customer == 0) SPL.wk_main_id_customer = Number(SPL.$('.wk_customer_badge_div').attr('data-customerid')); if (SPL.customer_email === undefined || SPL.customer_email == "") SPL.customer_email = SPL.$('.wk_customer_badge_div').attr('data-customeremail'); SPL.request_arr.push('getCustomerBadge'); } if (SPL.request_arr.length > 0) { /* need to get all customer data from ajax */ SPL.getCustomerData(); } }) } }).call(this); function checkoutButtonCallback() { if (SPL.$("button.wk-buy").length == 0) { var checkout_button = SPL.$("input[name='checkout']"); var wk_slot_count = SPL.$("body").find(".wk_slot_count").length; var wk_pay_what_you_want_count = SPL.$("body").find(".wk_pay_what_you_want_count").length; var wk_add_on_count = SPL.$("body").find(".wk_addon_count").length; var insurance_on = SPL.$("body").find("#RouteWidget").length; var customerid =; let wk_po_count = SPL.$(".wk_po_count").length; // var wk_subscription_product = true; if (checkout_button.length == 0) checkout_button = SPL.$("button[name='checkout']"); if(checkout_button.length == 0) checkout_button = SPL.$("a[name='checkout'].wk_checkout_btn"); if (checkout_button.length && (wk_slot_count || wk_pay_what_you_want_count || wk_add_on_count || insurance_on || wk_po_count)) { // console.log("tushar jain testing4 "); var selected_tag = ""; var selected_tag_dom = SPL.$("body").find("[data-wk_slot_subtotal='wk_slot']"); if (selected_tag_dom.length) selected_tag = selected_tag_dom.attr("data-wk_selected_tag"); if(SPL.$('.wk_checkout_btn').length > 0) { SPL.$("body").on("click", '.wk_checkout_btn', function (e) { if (SPL.shop_name == "") { if (wk_error_cart_p_limit_msg == 'undefined') { var wk_error_cart_p_limit_msg = '

    Something Went Wrong

    '; } var cart_limit_exceed = false; // check checkout form is vaild $('.wk_cart_validated_prod_limit').each(function () { if ($(this).find('input').val() > 1) { cart_limit_exceed = true; if (cart_limit_exceed) { return false; } } }); if (cart_limit_exceed) { if ($(this).prev('.wk-cart-error-msg').length == 0) { $(this).before(wk_error_cart_p_limit_msg); } return false; } } if (wk_po_count) { let coming_url = document.location.href; let redirecturl = "/account/login?checkout_url=" + coming_url + "#wkpreorder"; if (typeof (customerid) == "undefined") {, '_top'); return false; } } SPL.$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); e.preventDefault(); SPL.createDraftOrderOnCheckout(selected_tag); }) } } } if (SPL.$("#RouteWidget").length != 0) { console.log("RoutesWidget found"); routeapp.on_insured_change(SPL.response_insured_changed); } } function minPurchaseQuantityFuntion(data, cart_arr, split_cart_feature, vendor_wise_prod, checkout_btn, vendor_name, moq_level, prod_wise_qty) { SPL.$.each(data, function (id, qty) { // var slot_prod_id = "qty_" + id; var id_prefix = "updates_large_"; if (split_cart_feature) id_prefix = "updates_"; var update_id = id_prefix + id; var is_slot_product = false; if (SPL.$("[id='" + update_id + "']").length == 0) { update_id = id_prefix + cart_arr[id].key; if (SPL.$("[id='" + update_id + "']").length == 0) { if (SPL.$("*[data-wk_min_qty_" + id + "]").length) update_id = SPL.$("*[data-wk_min_qty_" + id + "]").attr("id"); } } if (SPL.$("[id='" + update_id + "']").length) { // is_slot_product = document.getElementById(update_id).parentElement.getAttribute('id'); // if (!is_slot_product) { var quantity_level = cart_arr[id].quantity; console.log("product id" + quantity_level); if (moq_level == 2) { quantity_level = prod_wise_qty[cart_arr[id].product_id]; } else { document.getElementById(update_id).setAttribute('min', qty); } if (quantity_level < qty) { error = true; document.getElementById(update_id).style.color = "red"; document.getElementById(update_id).style.backgroundColor = "#ecb9b9"; if (!split_cart_feature) { if (SPL.$("#wk_min_qty_error").length == 0) { // SPL.$("input[name='checkout']").show(); // checkout button code to be added SPL.minimum_quantity_status = false; if (typeof (SLOT_P) === "undefined") { } else { SLOT_P.main_checkout_condition = false; } SPL.main_checkout_condition = false; if (SPL.$(".wk-minimum").length != 0) { SPL.$(".wk-minimum").parent().append("

    " + wk_label_minimum_quantity + "

    "); SPL.$(".wk-minimum").hide(); } else { checkout_btn.parent().append("

    " + wk_label_minimum_quantity + "

    "); } if (checkout_btn.css('display') != "none") { checkout_btn.hide(); SPL.$(".wk-additional-checkout-btn").css("display", "none"); } } } else { console.log("splitcart"); SPL.$.each(vendor_wise_prod, function (index, value) { if (vendor_wise_prod[index].indexOf(id) != -1) { if (SPL.$("#wk_min_qty_error" + index).length == 0) { // checkout_btn.eq(index).hide(); checkout_btn.eq(index).parent().after("

    " + wk_label_minimum_quantity + "

    "); var index = vendor_name.indexOf(checkout_btn.eq(index).attr('data-vendor')); if (index != -1) vendor_name.splice(index, 1); if (checkout_btn.eq(index).css('display') != "none") { checkout_btn.eq(index).hide(); SPL.$(".wk-additional-checkout-btn").css("display", "none"); } } } }) } } // } } }); return vendor_name; } function splitCartVendorShow(vendor_name) { SPL.$.each(vendor_name, function (key, seller) { SPL.$('button.wk-buy[data-vendor="' + seller + '"]').css("display", "inline-block"); }); } function validatePreorerQuantity(preorder_details, vendor_wise_prod, vendor_name, checkout_btn, split_cart_feature, key_arr, currency) { SPL.$.each(preorder_details, function (var_id, item) { // console.log("id: " + var_id); // console.log("error: " + item); if (item.error == 'no_qty_left') { if (split_cart_feature) { SPL.$.each(vendor_wise_prod, function (index, value) { if (vendor_wise_prod[index].indexOf(var_id) != -1) { var vendor_index = vendor_name.indexOf(checkout_btn.eq(index).attr('data-vendor')); if (vendor_index != -1) vendor_name.splice(vendor_index, 1); if (checkout_btn.eq(index).css('display') != "none") checkout_btn.eq(index).hide(); let preorder_error_div = SPL.$("

    " + wk_preorder_qty_error_label + "

    "); checkout_btn.eq(index).parent("a").after(preorder_error_div); } }) } else { SPL.main_checkout_condition = false; SPL.$(".wk_po_msg__div").html("

    " + wk_preorder_qty_error_label + "

    "); } } else { // if ($("*[id='wk_price_" + key_arr[var_id]['key'] + "']").length) // $("*[id='wk_price_" + key_arr[var_id]['key'] + "']").html(currency + " " + price); // if ($("*[id='wk_total_price_" + key_arr[var_id]['key'] + "']").length) // $("*[id='wk_total_price_" + key_arr[var_id]['key'] + "']").html(currency + " " + total_price); } }); // if ($("*[id='wk_subtotal_price']").length) // $("*[id='wk_subtotal_price']").html(currency + " " + sub_total); } function inArray(needle, haystack) { var length = haystack.length; for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(haystack[i] == needle) return true; } return false; } setInterval(function () { sessionStorage.clear(); }, 30 * 60 * 1000); //after each 30 min expire session storage